Want to expand your product assortment? Increase your average order value or purchase frequency? Source cosmetic products for your online or physical store, from 3D Personal care LLP. Request cosmetic product lists and prices from 3D Personal care LLP.

We deal with the export and wholesale distribution of the legendary cosmetics.We offer the famous Make up Foundation, powders, creams, mascaras, base, foundation, lipsticks, etc. We guarantee the best prices. We provide the whole certification package: Product Specification, Health Safety and Free Sales Certification.

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Want to expand your product assortment? Increase your average order value or purchase frequency? Source cosmetic products for your online or physical store, from 3D Personal care LLP. Request cosmetic product lists and prices from 3D Personal care LLP.

We deal with the export and wholesale distribution of the legendary cosmetics.We offer the famous Make up Foundation, powders, creams, mascaras, base, foundation, lipsticks, etc. We guarantee the best prices. We provide the whole certification package: Product Specification, Health Safety and Free Sales Certification.

Become Distributor

We are interested in your company, we constantly look for businesses that share our philosophy. We look for distributors in and outside India to sell our makeup, creams and nail polish and other cosmetic products and we are always launching new products, watch our products section and discover our basic and professional line.